My Ultimate 2014 Book Giveaway

Win my favorite 52 books— totally free!

$1200 Value
53 Winners
Ends Jan 1, 2015

This year, one of my resolutions for 2014 was to read 52 books, exactly one book/week.

Well, it's almost the end of the year and I'm done reading. It's time to give them away. Since they're digital, I can't give away the physical copies, so instead I'll buy you the kindle versions. No strings attached.

Sorry, contest is closed!

How it works

  • ONE Lucky Person will win ALL 52 Books!
  • 52 Lucky People will win ONE book from this list (your choice!)
  • Winners will be notified on January 1st, 2015

By the way, everyone that enters will get my book recommendations for 2015 AND my techniques for finishing one book every week.

Top 10 books (that shaped my thinking for the year)


1. The War of Art

This is my all-time favorite book. I've read it atleast 15 times this year. It always manages to give me a kick in the ass right when I need it. I bought 10 copies to give away to friends. Stop what you're doing and order this book.

2. Zero to One (Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future)

Peter Thiel is a genius. I loved his personal takeaways from building PayPal. Hell, even the phrase "Zero to One" is awesome. A MUST read if you have anything to do with Silicon Valley.

3. Once a Runner

An instant classic if you love running as much as me :) I've read this book over and over again. While I can't relate to the 4-minute-mile runner, there's just something inspiring about the obsession of the characters.

4. The Obstacle Is the Way

Take all of my favorite stoics and compress them into one book— and you get this. It's a great introduction to stoicism, read this before you jump into Meditations or Seneca.

5. The Wizard of Ads

You can either pretend advertising doesn't affect you (it does), or you can jump in and learn how it works. There are so many gems in this book. “The risk of insult is the price of clarity.” Mind blown.

6. The Box

I got a little carried away with the “thing” books this year (Box, Salt, Glock, etc)— this was my favorite. It came off of Bill Gate's 2013 reading list. Take something as basic and boring and the shipping container and realize how it has revolutionized humanity in less than 20 years.

7. The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right

I thought this book was about todo lists (it wasn't). Instead, it's about how until 10 years ago, hospital patients would often get sick or die because of post-surgery complications. Adding a pre-flight checklist to surgeries dramatically reduced patient mortality— 10 years ago.

8. This book will teach you how to write better

Concise, actionable, short. Teaches you how to stop writing like a robotic jackass. If you're struggling to find your voice, this book will guide towards it. Read it once a month.

9. Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, and Illusion of Safety

In 1961, a B-52 with a pair of hydrogen bombs lost control over North Carolina. The nukes were released. One of them hit the ground unarmed. The other didn't. When the bomb hit the ground, the firing signal was sent... 3/4 failsafes failed.

10. Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine

Story about the greatest running legend, Steve Prefontaine. He dominated the sport for 6 years until he died at 24. His quotes are gems— “A lot of people run to see who's the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts.”

The rest (roughly sorted by awesomeness)


12. South: The Endurance Expedition

Imagine if you went to Antartica. In 1914. And your boat sank.

22. The Millionaire Fastlane

Sounds scammy. It's not— it's really about leverage and time-wealth

30. Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think

The psychology of food and subliminal clues. More than just about food.